The Side Stories logo with animation

February 15, 2022

Side Stories: Love Stories Brings Film, Local Artists and Love to RiNo


Don't miss a sunset in RiNo this week: As the sky darkens, five bare building exteriors will be illuminated with the unique work of five local artists, unified by a theme of love. Side Stories is back.

Don’t miss a sunset in RiNo this week: As the sky darkens, five bare building exteriors will be illuminated with the unique work of five local artists, unified by a theme of love. Side Stories is back.

Side Stories was founded in 2018 by real estate developer Fiona Arnold in partnership with RiNo Arts District, the Martin Family Foundation, the Denver Film Society and the Colorado Office of Film, Television & Media. The annual installation’s goal is to beautify RiNo with visual video art that promotes community sensibility and draws visitors into local businesses. After a pandemic-induced lapse in programming last year, the free installation has returned to the neighborhood and can be seen every evening through Sunday, February 20.

For this year’s installation, Side Stories: Love Stories, artists were told to focus on subjects they love, resulting in videos that capture people, life, cityscapes and even fungi. Out of the five artists commissioned to create films this year, three are returning: Ella Vance (from 2020), Xadie James (from 2020), and Natalie Einterz (solo artist in 2020, part of Studio Hippo in 2018/19). The group of five creatives is rounded out by Andi Todaro and Travis Vermilye.